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Australian Giant Cuttlefish 🦑

They are distinguished by unique spots and scars on their faces.
These features help scientists identify each of them, which is important for observations and research

The Giant Myth of Ephebophilia

Everybody believes in it, despite the total lack of evidence.
Somehow the weird Greek name makes everyone think it is scientific and official, but if you take a few minutes to think it through you realize the whole concept is absurd.


The Giant Red Herring that is "Fully Developed" - - - Debunking Reddit Nonsense: part 3

There's a lot of propaganda put out by sex-phobic Neo-Puritans. Not all of the lies and misinformation are visible to all at first glance. Have a look.

The giant metal walls keeping London above water

They’ve kept London safe from floods since the ’80s. But there’s a problem.

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For most of the 20th century, Londoners along the Thames River faced a high risk of floods. Storms like the 1953 North...