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1436 videos

Fractional Scaling Is Finally Coming To Wayland!!

There are so many Wayland issues being dealt with right now and the latest is fractional scaling, finally Wayland is finally supporting it properly and not doing it through a giant hack.

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Enabling Open Science & Tech Communities for Social Impact - Open Talks #4

Join Gameli Adzaho, Regional Program Manager (Africa) at JOGL - Just One Giant Lab, for this session on how open science and tech communities play crucial roles in driving transformations towards our sustainability priorities.

The Open Talks Seri...

Shopify: The company that will drive Amazon out of business.

Amazon is the world's largest retailer but could Shopify knock them off their thrown?

Ecommerce giant Shopify recently surpassed Amazon in terms of online traffic. This increase is one of the only positives to come out of the pandemic as many ...

Facial Recognition "Cloud Systems" Being Sold To Stores in USA

Facial recognition surveillance cameras are already saving biometric data when we enter department stores, in many cases to flag shoplifters. These companies are even "networking" stores together making one giant human tracking system for those be...

Will humans become extinct? 6 Minute English

What is the chance of the human race surviving the 21st century? There are many dangers – climate change for example, or nuclear war, or a pandemic, or planet Earth being hit by a giant asteroid. Sam and Neil discuss our future and whether we need...



It seemed like any average day for the Festive Medic. His team in need. Kamikaze diving into giant robots. Nothing out of the ordinary.
That is until Grey Mann unveiled their newest weapon.
Now it...

Connecting Public Interest Technology Disciplines

Tech is Political, and Public Interest Technology is no exception. In this podcast, grant managers, policymakers, technologists and people concerned about the impact of technology on their life will learn how we can all work together to improve so...

GÉANT Network Management as a Service (NMaaS) - F. Loui, L. Lopatowski, D. Verzulli - Workshop GARR 2021

Titolo: GÉANT Network Management as a Service (NMaaS) Evento: Workshop GARR 2021 Speaker: Frederic LouiEnte: RENATERŁukasz ŁopatowskiEnte: PSNC Damiano VerzulliEnte: GARR

GÉANT Network Management as a Service in GARRLab - Damiano Verzulli, GARR - Lukasz Lopatowski, PSNC - TNC22

GÉANT Network Management as a Service in GARRLab - Damiano Verzulli, GARR - Lukasz Lopatowski, PSNC

TNC, the largest and most prestigious research and education networking conference, attracts a diverse audience of over 800 participants from more...

Un mandala géant tracé à la craie

Pour réaliser sa mission, le Créahm met à la disposition des personnes des ateliers spécifiques en arts plastiques et en arts de la scène. Expositions, spectacles, concerts qui en découlent sont régulièrement montrés au public. L’association a également ouvert des structures comme le MAD musée, le Théâtre du Quai et un Centre de jour qui servent son objectif d’intégration des personnes porteuses de déficiences intellectuelles par l’art et la culture.
Le mandala géant a été réalisé à l’occasion des 30 ans de l’association sur l’esplanade St Léonard à Liège, quartier d’implantation du Créahm. Ce projet à invité personnes handicapées, enfants, ado, artistes, gens du quartier et d’au delà ainsi que toute personne qui le souhhaite à participer à sa création et sa mise en couleur à la craie.
Près de 1000 personnes (participants et divers publics – CEC, etc..) étaient présentes. L’Echevin J.P.Hupkens et le ministre Marcourt ont salué le travail lors des discours d’inauguration. Il a reçu un prix de la Ville de Liège dans le cadre de l’interculturalité.