133 results found:
133 videos
Exposing Billy and Franklin Graham #billygraham #franklingraham #nifb
#falseprophets #falseteachers #newifb #baptist #kjv #kjvonly
Unmasking the Stimulator (Interview with Franklin Lopez)
2008, 28 min
Last week Rochester Indymedia organized a screening of my work but also had me on their cable TV show Indy TV. Check it.
“Frank Lopez (aka the stimulator) , creator of submedia.tv and the show “its the ...
It Hurts Like Hell - Aretha Franklin
It Hurts Like Hell by Aretha Franklin. Enjoy!!💋
Careflight Landing at National Night Out in Franklin Ohio 8-1-2023
Miami Valley Careflight landing at the National Night Out in Franklin Ohio, Aug 1, 2023