10000 channels

Cohan Magazine
Nature stuff- slow walks- sometimes talky, weather observations, seasonal changes, birds, plants, 'bugs' and other critters, sometimes just music- I'd leave more nature sounds, but need a good microphone first (among other tech upgrades...lol). + natural gardening.+ pagan, animist, ancient Goddess Culture and Latvian stuff- seasonal rhythms and celebrations. Also writer/painter, so we'll see what else may creep in-- I shoot a fair amount of video, but haven't edited much, to date- getting better familiarity with my ( so far) free editing options, figuring out formats aspect ratios , music options etc etc!

Open For All: Tamil
எண்ணங்கள், தொடர்புகள், மாற்றங்கள்
Changes, Connections, Thoughts , தமிழ், Tamil, Tamizh

Mission EDD - Webinaires académiques
La Mission EDD de l'académie de Poitiers propose des webinaires afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance et compréhension des changements en cours tant des changements climatiques que de la biodiversité et plus généralement de la pression des sociétés humaines sur les environnements et les ressources, et de favoriser les actions et projets en EDD.
Trois types de webinaires organisés :
- sur des enjeux scientifiques, avec la participation de chercheurs universitaires, de techniciens,
- sur des dispositifs académiques et ressources : labellisations E3D, éco-délégués, CESCE, etc,
- sur le partenariat : Terargir, Tara Océan…

Des globes virtuels aux blancs des cartes. Une immersion cartographique dans la mise en récit des changements globaux.
Prenant les globes pour objet d’étude, SPHEROGRAPHIA est un projet de recherche, financé pour trois ans (2023-2025) par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR – CE55), qui porte sur les images de l’environnement global, en particulier les globes virtuels. Le projet vise un double objectif : d’une part, mieux comprendre leur fabrique à travers l’analyse des intentionnalités de leurs promoteurs et leurs différentes modalités de constitution en remontant la généalogie de leurs sources pour révéler les disparités des données sous-jacentes à ces visualisations ; d’autre part, le projet interrogera la performativité des globes sur l’imaginaire et les engagements politiques de celles et ceux qui les alimentent ou les utilisent.

VPRO Documentary
VPRO Documentary publishes a new subtitled documentary every week, investigating current affairs, finance, sustainability, climate change or politics. Subscribe to our channel for great subtitled recent documentaries.
The French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by the EU and produced in collaboration with Ericsson.
For our Dutch fans: De VPRO is vanwege de Nederlandse wetgeving genoodzaakt deze video te blokkeren binnen Nederland.

Open Source Gardening
This channel for now is our only channel. All videos we post will end up here. This might change in a later point of time.

Official channel of GIMP.
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.

Extinction Rebellion India
We’re in the midst of social & ecological breakdowns caused by toxic system. We’re here to change this system. We’re here for social & climate justice.
XR India: https://linktr.ee/xrebellionind

The Revolution Will Not be Televised
It often seems like today the world is going through a kind of slow apocalypse, with genocidal violence, devastating climate change, global pandemic, and on and on ... all horribly exacerbated by an awful rightward trend in politics in so many nations.
As people who want to do something to make the world a better place, we have found it hard not to despair.
But then we remembered that our various careers and lives have given us tools which we find useful, and which we hope may be useful to you, as we try to resist the slide into dystopia.
Website for show notes for this channel: https://therevolutionwillnotbetelevised.net

Radical Resilience Film Collective
Radical Resilience is a film project by activists, for activists (or anyone involved in social or environmental change, however they define themselves), that aims to spread awareness and encourage discussion about the effects of burnout within our movements, both individually and collectively.
As well as the film, we will also publish interviews and other material around the subject of "sustainable activism" and generally making our movements stronger, more effective, and more inclusive.
If you are interested in organising a screening of our film in your area/group/community then please get in contact over our blog https://radicalresilience.noblogs.org , twitter @radresfilm or mastodon https://todon.nl/web/accounts/179939 .