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1015 videos

Inkscape CMYK Update, How are we doing?

Big thanks to everyone who is helping me work on Inkscape to get CMYK done. If you'd like to help, please consider subscribing:


Inkscape's Bumpy Landing

This week let's catch up on all the work that's happened in the last couple of weeks.

The main issue is the CMYK/Color refactoring work which is delayed significantly by the new Gtk4 work. It's a real blocker on my ability to work on the code the...

Inkscape 1.0 is here!

The most popular free and open-source vector graphics application in the world just hit version 1.0! This release represents a milestone in the progress of this application used by designers, artists, makers, students, and more. As always, Inkscap...

Inkscape + Gimp 讓相片變插畫的技巧應用

2008年的X61筆電搭配ezgo12自由軟體作業系統,主要的繪製軟體為 Inkscape 及 Gimp,繪製過程以 Kazam 錄製,最後再以 OpenShot 進行影音匯整與剪輯。
Inkscape 官方網站:
Gimp 官方網站:

Inkscape Stop motion / Paper cut out animation rig

This is my rig to animate with inkscape. It work on linux but you can probably port it to other platform.
It uses:


It's a bit of a hack but works well for me.
You can then export the video in kdenlive.

How to Draw the Mitsubishi Logo in Inkscape

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to draw the Mitsubishi logo in Inkscape using the polygon tool, union operator, and transform panel.

Red color code: 356, 95, 46.

Download Inkscape 1.4:


How to Create a Photography Logo in Inkscape

In this tutorial, I teach you how to create a photography logo in Inkscape, using the ellipse tool, polygon tool, pen tool, and shape-builder tool.

Color codes:
Green: 00ff00
Yellow: ffff00
Red: ff0000
Magenta: ff00ff
Blue: 0000ff
Cyan: 0...

How to Create a Japanese Petal Diamond Pattern in Inkscape

In this tutorial, I teach you how to create a Japanese petal diamond pattern, known in Japan in Inkscape, known in Japan as “Shippo”, using the ellipse tool, and shape-builder tool.

Download Inkscape 1.4: