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Micro-transportation DIY

The micro-transportation revolution has started. Due to dwindling wages/salaries people not only need to save on the ridiculous cost of Car Insurance, but public awareness resulting from the like of Ralph Nader's "The Good Fight" is rising about how insurance companies are often White Collar Criminals, thus people feel worse and worse about giving criminals their money. To live moral lives we need to be conscientious about who we are paying!
Moreover, we also need a more diverse set of transportation solutions to not only reduce our carbon footprint, but also to solve the problem of the ‘last mile’ commuting to take on the metro/bus to get from the last stop to the office.
Unfortunately many Micro-transportation solutions are REALLY tough to get to work reliable enough to use to get to work on time. Very few car / bike repair shops are willing to help.
This channel is created as a learning log where I try to get some of these different modes of transportation to work.


Hola putos pobres. Soy una cuenta parodia imitando a Andrew Tate, ya sea en juegos, o también en vídeos opinando sobre cosas, al más estilo de Andrew Tate. Cabe recalcar que está hecho con fines de entretenimiento, y para nada con incitación al odio ni nada. Espero que os guste el contenido. Así que dejad de ser putos pobres y trabajad para salir de la matrix XD.


OpenAcadémie est une startup d'État, fondée par des intrapreneurs fonctionnaires administratifs affectés en EPLE (établissements publics locaux d'enseignement).
Nous produisons de manière communautaire des outils logiciels, sous licence libre, destiner à faciliter le travail des personnels et améliorer le service rendu aux usagers.
La chaîne peertube OpenAcadémie sert principalement à diffuser des tutoriels et démonstrations de nos logiciels.

Andrey Haber Channel

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