177 videos
Karl Lauterbach und die evidenzbasierte Medizin (2010-2021)
Karl Lauterbach und die evidenzbasierte Medizin (2010-2021)
Karl Lauterbach - Coronakrise als Blaupause für Klimakrise
Karl Lauterbach - Coronakrise als Blaupause für Klimakrise
Karl Bauhaus
A demo by Carl B for Evoke 2024.
Król jest nagi :-) 19.10.22
Król jest nagi :-)
Sepsa, sepsa i... po sepsie
Karl Kautsky on the role of the proletariat
Speaker: Marc Mulholland
Communist University 2016 was co-sponsored by the Communist Party of Great Britain (http://cpgb.org.uk) and Labour Party Marxists (http://www.labourpartymarxists.org.uk). CU 2016 took place from August 6-13 in London. The ...
Marc Mulholland - Karl Kautsky on the role of the proletariat
Speaker: Marc Mulholland
Communist University 2016 was co-sponsored by the Communist Party of Great Britain (http://cpgb.org.uk) and Labour Party Marxists (http://www.labourpartymarxists.org.uk). CU 2016 took place from August 6-13 in London.