1015 videos
Inker & Hamilton - Dancing Into Danger (1987)
80's 90's Music Video's Remastered @Videos80s:
Pictures (Raster Graphics) - Progress on Import from Adobe Illustrator into Inkscape - June 2023
In the month of June, we added importing raster graphics.
For the whole progress, please have a look at the blog post.
Progress on importing Adobe Illustrator files to Inkscape - May 2023
In this video, we show the progress we made in May 2023. The parser was ported to be faster, special shapes can be imported and the page is properly placed.
Read more here: https://inkscape.org/*membership/blog/may-ai-extension-2023/
Open .ai files with Inkscape: Paths
This video shows that we can open paths with the AI Extension for Inkscape.
Inküle Fachtag -Universitäre Herausforderungen / Künstlerische Potentiale & Digitale Tools/ Küstlerische Positionen
Universitäre Herausforderungen / Künstlerische Potentiale & Digitale Tools/ Küstlerische Positionen
Live Path Effects - Converting Rectangles from Adobe Illustrator to Inkscape
This is the feature-progress we made in July, live path effects are used to display and edit rectangles with different sized rounded corners in Inkscape when opening Adobe Illustrator files.
For the whole progress, please have a [look at the bl...
Open .ai files with Inkscape: Layers and Groups
This video shows that we can use layers and groups with the AI Extension for Inkscape.
Inkscape in the Design Industry - Interview
This week I interview Chris Rogers at FOSDEM about his experiences using Inkscape as a professional designer.
Big thanks to him for sitting down with me to answer my questions.
I'm putting together a playlist of interview where I talk to Inkscap...
LGM 2020 - Inkscape 1.0 By Marc Jeanmougin, Martin Owens
Inkscape 1.0, by Marc Jeanmougin, Martin Owens.
This presentation was recorded on May 29 2020 as part of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2020, online. To learn more, visit libregraphicsmeeting.org/2020