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1436 videos

Guidelines to building and managing a SynBio Association - GASB (German Association for Synthetic Biology)

"""If you feel something is missing in your community - create that something!“
Synthetic Biology is a fast growing field with an already massive impact on our daily lives. But as big as the accomplishments of individuals may be, in order to fl...

One-Punch Man Chapter 39 & 40 REVIEW - INVASION

A giant space ship appears to destroy A city... and the rest of the world.






One-Punch Man Chapter 56 REVIEW - THE TRUE KING

Saitama and King square off against the giant bird beast from What The Fuck and unveils a secret in King's and Saitama's past.





Minetest's Nether Mantle and beyond - crystal caverns

A journey to the crystal caverns inside a giant Nether geode. These can only be reached by travelling through the Mantle - a magma ocean region introduced by v3 of the Nether mod. The sequel [to this video](

Giant - The The

From the LP "Soul Minig" released in october 1983 on the label "Some Bizzare/Epic"

Bass Guitar: Camelle G. Hinds

Synthesizer: Thomas Leer
Associated Performer, Drums: Zeke Manyika
Associated Performer, ...

Baby giant armadillo caught on camera for the first time

Giant armadillos are extremely hard to find. For years, not much was known about this species. In 2013, a baby giant armadillo was caught on camera in the Panatal region of Brazil for the first time, stealing many hearts. #giantarmadillo #wetland ...

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg - Egg Animals against Bosses

Archived KimimaruTCRF video from YouTube. Original description mostly intact:

This showcases how Egg Animals can damage bosses if hacked into boss battles. They do quite a lot of damage too, which trivializes many bosses.

You can find more infor...

iGEM 2019 Giant Jamboree - #MakeYourMark with IDT

IDT has been helping iGEMers make their mark on the synthetic biology industry for the last 5 years. By giving free custom DNA to ALL iGEM teams, we have been taking steps together towards an imagined future: synthetic biology without DNA manipula...

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg - Egg Animals against Bosses

Archived KimimaruTCRF video from YouTube. Original description mostly intact:

This showcases how Egg Animals can damage bosses if hacked into boss battles. They do quite a lot of damage too, which trivializes many bosses.

You can find more infor...

Inside Huawei: China’s Tech Giant | NOVA | PBS

Working at Huawei, one of China’s most innovative tech companies, can be intense. Six day weeks and 12 hour days are the norm.

To many people in China, there’s no better example of success than the tech giant Huawei. Although it’s considered cont...