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765 videos

Albert in Blunderland 1950s Public Domain Cartoon

Bring You some Old Classic's Hope You enjoy the public domain, King public domain is my name public domain is my game.
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king public domain,public domain king,Al...

BIG ALBERT - Don't Hate Me

A strange story

Video: Rewind Short CGI film under CC License

Pirátský videomedailonek k volbám do Evropského parlamentu - Albert Štěrba

Ahoj piráti, do evropských voleb 2024 jdu především s těmito tématy:

  1. zdravotnictví (prevence civilizačních chorob, dostatek léků, duševní zdraví ad.)
  2. ochrana přírody a přechod k udržitelné ekonomice
  3. obrana lidských práv a svobod, pos...

Albert Astals Cid - Testing Your Code for Security Issues with Automated Fuzzing - Akademy 2019

Writing secure code that deals with potentially untrusted data (parsers, importers, etc) is always hard since there are many potential cases to take into account.

One of the techniques used to improve the security of such code is fuzzing.


Building Reproducible System Setups with FreeBSD and Ansible - Albert Dengg - EuroBSDcon 2023

Albert Dengg: Building reproducible system setups with FreeBSD and ansible
Ansible is a relatively simple toolkit for system automation and configuration management/provisioning.

In combination with FreeBSD it can be used to build a reproduc...

Albert Algoud : "Hergé était menteur dans les interviews."

Jacques Pessis reçoit Albert Algoud. Incollable sur Hergé, il a mené une enquête sur les origines de la création de Tintin, Milou, le capitaine Haddock et la Castafiore. Une aventure qu’il raconte dans un livre vérité.

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