19 channels
Synthetic Dreams
sharing clips of little projects made with godot
La Casa de Virtuel
Détournement de la "Casa de Papel" pour parler de Monnaie Libre.
Par Rimek
1 saison -10 épisodes
Angrynerds Podcast
Angrynerds is een Nederlandse podcast over privacy, security, technologie en ethiek. Een roulerend panel bespreekt op geheel eigen wijze de laatste zaken uit het nieuws. Kritisch en met de nodige humor. Elke donderdag vanaf 20:00 live video via Youtube en Twitch. Ook beschikbaar als audio-only podcast via Apple, Google en Spotify. Meer informatie op https://angrynerdspodcast.nl
Net Art Anthology events
Net Art Anthology is Rhizome’s ambitious project to retell the history of a field of artistic practice in which even the most influential works often fade into obscurity as a result of technological obsolescence.
This channel contains events, presentations, and panel discussions bringing together artists who articulated early and divergent artistic approaches to the internet, ranging from performance to activism to narrative to folkloric cultures.
Golden Age of Hollywood
"Once upon a time, in the place called California, there was an enchanted kingdom. It was said the streets were paved with gold and it was inhabited by gods and goddesses, sorcerers and elves, wise men, jesters, and kings. For three decades the kingdom flourished, it was loved, for it offered human multitudes a rare and precious gift - escape from the mortal coil into wondrous flights of fantasy."
Aikido with understanding of ki
Videos of shin shin toitsu (ki aikido) classes, filmed by club "Beograd" (http://kiaikidosrbija.com), over several years, before 2012.
The techniques and the tests shown belong to the standard curriculum, based on the system of Koichi Tohei and Kenjiro Yoshigasaki, before some further reforms (which were already underway) took place.
The instructor is Milan Jeremić. The uploader is Pavle.
Stories from the New Aesthetic
Stories from the New Aesthetic took place at The New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City on October 11, 2012.
The New Aesthetic is an ongoing research project by James Bridle, investigating the intersections of culture and technology, history and memory, and the physical and the digital. At a panel at South by Southwest this past March, Aaron Straup Cope, Ben Terrett, James Bridle, Joanne McNeil, and Russell Davies discussed ideas related to the project, which sparked a series of responses and ideas from artists, writers, and theorists across the web.
Nextcity: The Art of the Possible
"Nextcity: The Art of the Possible", explores the rapidly changing urban experience and environment in light of emergent digital technologies, whether invoked in the production of architectural form, the representation of urban space, or the locative interface and other newly available services.
The panel, moderated and introduced by Everyware author Adam Greenfield, featured presentations by Stamen Design, J. Meejin Yoon, and Christian Nold, whose work blurs the boundaries between art, design and technological development.
Festival Résistances
Le festival de films et de débats Résistances de Foix en Ariège propose, chaque année, pendant 9 jours, une programmation de plus de 100 films autour de quatre thématiques traversant des sujets de société et d’un zoom géographique.
Sans contraintes de genre, de durée ou d’époque, le festival Résistances s’attelle à faire découvrir des œuvres engagées et rarement diffusées.
Le public est invité à découvrir un riche panel cinématographique mêlant documentaire, fiction, animation, court et long métrage, films de patrimoine, avant-premières, …
Manifestation intergénérationnelle, le festival Résistances organise également une programmation jeune public, des séances en plein air et des apéros-concerts. Il est un des événements culturels les plus importants de la région.