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Demystifying "find" and "find -exec" ...Lil' Linux Lesson!

Has the internet told you Linux' "find" command is too scary to use? Well, they're wrong. Linux' "find" command - also found in lots of other *NIX systems - is a critical tool to learn.

In today's Lil' Linux Lesson, I'll be demystifying the "fi...

Atari 260ST Story: TOS Floppy Boot Process, And How Much RAM?

The Atari 260ST. There's a lot of misinformation circulating about this model on the internet, including the "fact" that it was only released with 256K of RAM. But what's the real story behind this machine? Did it ever have 256? Did Atari even pla...

One Open Source Project Runs So Many Web Forums

When you search around the internet you'll come across a bunch of different forums and you realize something very quickly, a lot of these forums look exactly the same and that's for good reason, they all use discourse the same open source software...

Google phases out 3rd party tracking cookies: Privacy Sandbox explained

Google have just changed the way 30 million people browse the Internet and most of them don't even know it's happened. Let's talk about Google and cookies.

In this video we're going to discuss why Google is disabling 3rd party cookies, what this ...

Collecting Lizardman Fangs at a slowerpace

Lets go back to the early 90's and play runescape on our mom's computer. Hopefully my aunt doesn't call and knock me off the internet
Artist: slowerpace 音楽
Album: Time Machine タ​イ​ム​マ​シ​ン

Nachricht von Ella - Without Consent

"ShareWithCare": Telekom raises awareness for responsible use of children's photos on the Internet


Subtitles: Fr.
Automatic subtitles: En, De.

Self sovereign Identity from zero to hero .

SSI in 7 toots:

  1. #SSI augments the Internet with missed Identity layer that gives a digital identity to a user and provides the user an instrument to share data about himself and others in an end-verifiable way.

  2. SSI is #architecture and a s...

Antifeminism VS FACTS

Let's look at some studies into sexual assault and see how the smartest, most 'rational' antifeminist on the internet debunks them, shall we?

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If your ...

Become A Tor Snowflake And Fight Censorship

For some people in the world the only way they can reasonably access the internet is through Tor but to ensure the it's usefulness it requires many volunteers and snowflake makes running a TOR relay node easier than ever.

You can also run a snowf...

Shape Builder 3 - Inkscape Developer Update, 24th June 2023

This week the canvas behind your shape builder shapes takes it's revenge. Peeking from behind your shapes this summer (or next summer) is a feature a few people who wrote mean comments on the internet wanted... a visible canvas while shape buildin...