1419 videos
Cat having his face eaten by a giant carnivorous plant (not really)
He just likes to drink water from the weirdest places but this was surprising visually.
Flying around the universe Episode 008 - Yellow Giant star orbiting black hole
In this episode we're still in the Andromeda galaxy, find a black hole, but find it difficult to get close to it, there is a huge yellow star orbiting the black hole, so we top up our sun-tan.
Buy me (and Thelma!) a coffee - https://www.buymeacof...
2010-01-08 - #1 Super Giant Jenga
Gnomish Archeologist I (killed by a giant mimic) — NetHack & Chill FAILS ep. 3
4:56 run starts
9:35 find a Bag of Holding
14:45 find a luckstone
17:57 reach Minetown
20:20 find a magic lamp
21:00 wish for a Grayswandir
32:57 enter Sokoban
45:10 get killed by a giant mimic
Secrets of the Dead - Graveyard of the Giant Beasts
Follow scientists trying to determine which giant animal was the apex predator
Inside Huawei: China’s Tech Giant | NOVA | PBS
Working at Huawei, one of China’s most innovative tech companies, can be intense. Six day weeks and 12 hour days are the norm.
To many people in China, there’s no better example of success than the tech giant Huawei. Although it’s considered cont...
Now My Little Mom Lives In A Giant's Home😏
hope it stays like this🥰 #shorts
We used knockout gas to make this giant venomous centipede take a nap so we could determine if its a boy or a girl..so we can create an army of giant centipedes!