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The "No One Cares" Show, Ep. 15: Guess Who's Back, or The Gab-surrection

In which we discuss a number of statements, actions, and decisions made by one Andrew Torba in the immediate aftermath of Gab's ceremonious return to the internet, and consider which side of Hanlon's Razor the service now finds itself upon.

RAP NEWS | WWWAR on the Internet

We resume our lyrical forays into the world of rhyme and reason, exploring the importance of the Internets. Robert Foster casts a critical rhyme over Senator Joe (Lie)berman's proposed bill to shut down the world-wide-web in case of [quotation mar...

She Bullied A Street Performer, The Internet Gave Her Instant Karma

Today we're gonna be taking a look at one of the most satisfying cases of instant karma I've seen in a while. The performer's TikTok is: theandrewshoe


Frick yeah!! Who’s ready to surf the World Wide Web and meet some new friends in all the cool c [C3gNXbRv5Vw]

Frick yeah!! Who’s ready to surf the World Wide Web and meet some new friends in all the cool chat rooms!? Man, early internet was 🔥What’s your favorite memory of the OG internet!?
#internet #interwebs #www #surfthenet #aol #90s #1990...

Pool's Closed

The complete history of the Habbo Hotel raids.

It's the most uplifting story about AIDS, pedos and stingrays you'll find anywhere on the internet.



The Downfall of Tony the Tiger

Kellogg's marketing team, Twitter, and a bunch of Furries -- a play-by-play of how Tony the Tiger recently got roughed up by the internet.




Not For Sale - Keeping Your Data Private Through Self-Hosting

Data privacy is important. That's something that everyone should be aware of, but unfortunately, it's not really the case. In a world of free services from companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and others, the allure of giving up your privac...

Connecting the NES to an Android Wi-Fi hotspot

Here you can see Super Tilt Bro. connecting to the internet, using a phone's shared Wi-Fi. It uses Broke Studio's cartridge, which embeds a Wi-Fi chipset.

Internet Pigeon Network with Helga Tawil-Souri

An interview between Community Designer, Briana Griffin and Helga Tawil-Souri on the Internet Pigeon Network, a speculative, community-organized, affordable, and resilient internet infrastructure for the Gaza Strip.

Tales from the Darkside - S01E03 - Pain Killer

Harvey goes to Dr. Roebuck with back pains and Roebuck prescribes a miraculous cure. It's not until later that Harvey finds the price he must pay...

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