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2752 channels

Audiobook - The Olden World [adventure]

This is the channel hosting my reading of the story "The Olden World", by Czar_Yoshi, an Austraeoh-inspired tale of a young Starlight Glimmer as she leaves her home behind in search of a better one.

The story is clocking in at an even one thousand chapters and around two hundred hours of listening time, so I hope you enjoy the ride.

The Sonic Zone

A collection of videos showing how I make things. These are all my projects that I build from scratch during the year.

The New Christchurch Review of Books

For now this will mirror the Christchurch Review of Books channel on may diverge into something else given time..
Book reviews, Book Hauls and the occasional look at my life in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The Sonic Zone

A collection of videos showing how I make things. These are all my projects that I build from scratch during the year.

The Needle - Audiobook [adventure, horror]

In search of new horizons, Daring Do explores an uncharted valley. It's uncharted for a reason.

Audiobook - The Immortal Dream [adventure]

"In the lands north of Equestria, three young ponies reach for the stars."
This is the channel for the audiobook reading of The Immortal Dream, a sequel to The OIden World. TID exists as a standalone work and can be enjoyed without reading TOW beforehand.

Updates weekly. Prooflisteners welcome - if you're interested, let me know in a comment.
Cover images are pending for now.


Die Nerdchurch ist ein Netzwerk christlicher Nerds und nerdiger Christen. Wir haben uns zusammen geschlossen um uns Gegenseitig darin zu unterstützen unsere nerdige und christliche Seite in Arbeit und Leben innerhalb und außerhalb der Kirche zu zeigen.

Wir glauben, dass die Kirche Nerds mit ihren Fähigkeiten und Persönlichkeiten braucht. Und wir glauben, dass Nerds sich gerade in der Kirche zu Hause fühlen sollten.