181 videos
Soutenez Blast, nouveau média indépendant : https://www.blast-info.fr/soutenir
« L’agriculture est la pire chose que l’humanité ait faite pour la planète ». Voilà ce qu’écrit George Monbiot, journaliste et éditorialiste pour le quotidien The Guar...
Our interview with Dave Bautista and his 4 rescue pitbulls is out now!
Full interview live on our page!
Dave Bautista and His 4 Rescue Pitbulls | WeWalkDogs
Dave Bautista and his 4 rescue pitbulls walk and talk with Matt about animal rescue, the grind of being a WWE superstar, and the challenges of acting in this heart-warming and intimate episode of WeWalkDogs.
Huge thank you to Brooks Running for m...
Forgot About Dre ft. Chris Pratt (with music)
I synced up Chris Pratt rapping to Forgot About Dre with the original backing track. Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdqfR0wRTbI
Vocal sync comparison with original Eminem vocals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9REHi13kDk
zuck memories 2018
The guardian rules
Monsanto 2
The Guardian News
Zita Wallace
source : The Guardian, Feb. 2008
--Russian Ambassador says to the UN president of the United States (Trump) was overthrown.---
is that what the Guardian is talking about???
(2 clones trump die in the same day)????
🤯🤯🤯 Russian Ambassador says to the ...
Британские и американские исследователи создали первые синтетические человеческие эмбрионы.
Статья в "The Guardian" https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jun/14/synthetic-human-embryos-created-in-groundbreaking-advance, о которой идет речь в видео. Она вышла 14.06.2023.
Каковы шансы, что в эту дату нас лишь официально проинформирова...
The New Normal
Original: https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/21/watch-the-new-normal/
Happen.network has released a new documentary entitled The New Normal.
Investigating the origin of the titular phrase – never far from the lips of authority figures across the g...