1545 videos
Global Catastrophic Risks Report 2017
‘Whether it’s the spectre of nuclear conflict or our planet tipping into catastrophic climate change, the need for effective global cooperation has never been greater’ https://climatestate.com/2017/05/24/majority-wants-global-government-to-protect...
Global Average Temperature vs Temperature Extremes
In his March 2017 talk "The Brutal Logic of Climate Change", at the University of Sheffield, Aaron Thierry outlined many of the aspects of climate change. https://climatestate.com/2017/06/03/global-average-temperature-vs-temperature-extremes/
Global Warming Explained in 1956
Bernard Hubbard explains how glaciers retreat, he mentions how since 1857 glaciers recede worldwide. Hubbard also mentions the ice albedo effect, and glacier disintegration. https://climatestate.com/2019/07/25/global-warming-explained-in-1956/
Global Warming made Hurricane Harvey Stronger
Ex-NASA Scientist James Hansen: There is a Clear Link Between Climate Change & Stronger Hurricanes https://climatestate.com/2017/09/01/expert-global-warming-made-hurricane-harvey-stronger/
Global Keyboard Shortcuts, by Gökay Şatır 🆒 #COOLDays 2024
During this talk, Gökay Şatır tells us why Collabora Online keeps up with the common shortcuts, as well as what we have done so far to make sure we achieve that.
Find out how you can create your private office in the cloud and put your digital ...
Global Agenda | Blast from the past!
Global Agenda is back!
Last I played this was like back in 2010 or something (at least that's when I got an achievement from the game last).
Global Financial Crisis (Enhanced) | Pastor Jared Pozarnsky
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Hold Fast Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, soul winning, separated, King James Bible believing Baptist churc...
Global Financial Crisis: Postscript
You can support Hold Fast Baptist Church by donating here: https://pages.donately.com/holdfastbaptist/form/frm_9a056810f16a
Hold Fast Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, soul winning, separated, King James Bible believing Baptist churc...