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the unnamed Crossgolf Golf Kanal

Hier starte ich mal Testweise einen Vlog über Crossgolf und Golf und was da bei mir alles so läuft.

"the unnamend" deswegen, weil ich noch gar keine Ahnung habe, wie ich das Teil eigentlich nennen sollte.

The Workbench

Just messing around with my hobbies on the workbench. Playing with new toys and experimenting with old ones. Vague attempts are made at being educational. I'm not an expert so feel free to let me know just how incorrect I am in the comments!

The Joy of Coding

Watch a Mozilla developer livehack on Firefox! I write in C++, JavaScript (and more rarely) Rust.

KD8BXP Random Wire

As of June 2, 2024 I have move from here to Otaku Farm peertube instants, please follow me along over there, and thanks!

If you previously subscribed, please subscribe over there, and thank you for your views.

Some of my projects, robots, arduino, ham radio, you never really know what I might post.

The BeelzeRog Show

A review show of adult mods for video games, as well as adult video games in general.
General Website:

The Taggart Institute

Welcome. If you've been looking for a place to build the fundamental tech skills you need to succeed, or if you're looking to take your abilities to the next level, you've found what you're looking for.

The Taggart Institute exists to provide low-cost, high-quality technology training to everyone in a welcoming, supportive community.

We believe you can succeed. The hardest step is the first one. Join us and find out just how much you're capable of.

Visit us at

The Unenlightened Generalists

"We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity," (Jean Luc Picard).

The Unenlightened Generalists is a joint project by Katie and Odin dedicated to building a holistic life through rituals, productivity hacks, aesthetic education, mindful technology use, and a shared passion for discovery. The Round Table Writers project also falls under The Unenlightened Generalists umbrella.

The Nerdy Neko

Hello, cool cats! I am The Nerdy Neko! But you can just call me Neko for short~! Welcome to The Cool Cat Cafe where I meet travelers and give them a comfy place to stay. Here I rant and rave about everything nerdy - from anime to sci-fi and fantasy! Content includes commentary/reviews and reactions on nerdy media. I may also eventually make videos giving tips for Vtubers and content creators.

I am also a variety streamer on Twitch, where I can't seem to escape the scuff! Be sure to check me out on my links~!

I hope you will find this channel to be a place of comfort for you where we can all learn, laugh, and have fun together~!

Logo by The Nerdy Neko and Vtuber_Graphics
Banner art by The Nerdy Neko, Totsuyaryotsu, and the BG by Lucy loose
Profile picture by Seirenna

The Experiment

実験へようこそ (The Experiment)
We're here [1] every friday from around 21:00H (CEST) until we can't jam no more 😁
Everyone is welcome to play along, but we don't play cover songs in here!
So if you're feeling creative; join in, be nice for each other, keep it cool and start IMPROVISING! [2]
Disclaimer: all content created in this room is copyrighted by the participating musicians.
If you want to commercially exploit any works created in this room you should arrange this with the creators conform (European) intellectual property laws.
Everything in Jamulus and therefore in this room can and probably will be recorded; there's no way to circumvent that. There's also a high chance of explicit language! Please leave now if you can't live with this.