13 results found:
13 channels
Main logan channel
Canal principal. Contiene los vídeos que no entran en las demás categorías.
Paisajes, playa, montaña y lugares que he visitado.
NSFW videos
Nudity and sexual content in this channel. NSFW and only for adults content.
Main infosecbytes channel
Infosec Bytes is a video tutorial project based at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London.
We make short educational videos for journalists explaining the risks of using information technology, and how to mitigate them.
Infosec Bytes is made possible with a generous grant by the Logan Foundation.
Site: http://infosecbytes.org
Twitter: @infosec_bytes
Centre for Investigative Journalism: http://www.tcij.org
Logan Foundation: http://www.loganfdn.org/
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