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60 channels

2020 Global Meetup

On August 20-22, iGEM hosted a global meetup for all teams to connect, collaborate and celebrate! This year, we can't meet each other in person, but we want you to have an amazing iGEM experience and still meet other teams! This event celebrates the diversity and international spirit of our community. It was a 2-day event followed by an open-party day spread across multiple time zones. We hosted 60 sessions on various topics - inspiring keynotes, gaming activities, team topics, competition tips and more.

XR Global

XR Global channel. Join the rebellion and rebel for life.


XR Regen Global Support channel

XR Regenerative Cultures Global Support
A small team of activists who try to build and strengthen regenerative attitudes, habits, and practices within Extinction Rebellion internationally.

On Glassfrog:
Open Regen Calls:
On Mattermost:
On Facebook:


Global Bug Bounty & VDP Platform trusted by world's largest organizations.

Anon tech

Global decentralization liberates people who live among wild corporations!

Main fuseschool channel

FuseSchool - Global Education

FuseSchool is a global Open Education charity brought to life by leading Social Learning organisation Fuse Universal. Our mission is to provide free education to millions of learners who need it the most, so that they can improve their lives and communities.

So we created a slogan "Free education for anyone, anywhere" which we work by.

Our specialist teachers and talented animators from across the globe co-create a complete library of educational videos for students and teachers covering topics in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

FuseSchool Global Education involves

  • Chemistry online classes in english
  • Biology online classes
  • Physics lessons online
  • Science and maths courses online free

and much more...

FuseSchool publish videos for 3 days in a week on days i.e Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

SUBSCRIBE to the FuseSchool YouTube channel for many more educational videos:
VISIT us at


Wizard Amigos is a global community of self-employed nomadic developers, technologists, creators, problem solvers, thinkers, activists, researchers, artists, and individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common passion for technology and open collaboration. The community was founded in Berlin in 2014 and has since expanded its reach to welcome participants from around the world.

At its core, Wizard Amigos is dedicated to promoting open source, open data, and open organizing. The community is focused on fostering digital literacy, financial literacy, sustainability, and entrepreneurial skills. Members come together to learn, collaborate, and work on various projects and initiatives.

One key ingredient or foundational aspect in the community is, that everyone is trying to converge to a common stack as much as possible in all fields relevant to Wizard Amigos.

Wizard Amigos hosts a variety of events, including meetups, co-learning workshops, and code camps.


Metropolis is a global collective of documentary filmmakers and TV producers, reporting on real stories from every corner of the world since 2008. Metropolis is broadcast by Dutch public television broadcaster HUMAN on Sundays at 9:05 PM (CET). For Display Europe, we’ve selected some stories from our European correspondents, we hope you’ll enjoy.